Make a maintenance request 24/7
Tell us about a maintenance issue right away, instead of waiting for the next business day.
With our 24/7 chat service from Tapi, you can get in touch about maintenance anytime, even if it’s outside our business hours.
Learn Why Thousands of Landlords Love Us:
We won’t treat you as just another number
We understand that the property investment you entrust with us is your retirement plan, as such we will take every measure possible to help guide your property to financial success.
Your Tax Is important to us
Property investing is a game of cash flow; we always recommend using a quantity surveyor to boost your cash flow on properties that are deductible. We are also always on call to give your accountant the information they need to help you claim tax benefits. Every month we will provide you a monthly statement of your cash flow collected and pay all bills that we are entrusted with.
We Won’t Let You Forget; Your Investment Needs To Improve
Property investing is a long journey and throughout that journey change is constant, new real estate is born, new technologies are created, and as such it can create downward pressure on real estate investment. We promise to update and keep you well informed on the competition so you can maximise your investment and make trusted decisions to benefit your investment.
We will guide you to adequate insurance cover
We are across many of the insurance offers in the marketplace and will always refer capable suppliers for you to consider using for the Insurance of your rents and property.
We won’t let you give up!
Property investing is a journey and takes time. We will never frighten you or convince you to sell your property investment or lower your rent for the ease of our workloads or for the sake of making an in-house sale. We will always support your end goal and hold your hand through good times and bad. We will communicate with you professionally and offer you constant news and content to encourage, inform and update you on what is happening in the market and in your local area.