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Tenant Information
What do I do if there’s a plumbing leak?
The most common problem in properties is water leaking from wet areas eg. bathrooms, laundries, kitchens, into adjoining rooms. A regular check for water leaks is advisable. If the carpet/floor is wet, sponge and dry the area thoroughly and check again after use. Advise our Agency if the leak continues or worsens. If the problem is a serious water leak, this is classified as an emergency repair under the Legislation and the Agency must be notified immediately.
How to maintain a dryer
- Clean filter before every use
- Dryer is not overloaded
- Air temperature is hot when running
This appliance is not essential, please complete a repair advice form and send to our Agency to report if there’s a failure or fault.
Faulty switches or fans:
Do not attempt to fix it yourself. Do not use switches if they are faulty. Contact our Agency as soon as possible or refer to emergency contact for out of hours.
What do I do if the hot plates don’t work?
First, check if the safety switch is turned on. Second, check if the safety switch in the power box has tripped or blown a fuse. Contact us to arrange for professional help.
I don’t have any hot water
If your supply of hot water is not hot or does not seem to last as long as it should, your hot water system may need topping up. Locate the filler valve on the side of the hot water system and lift the floppy lever until water flows from the overflow. Repeat this process every few months. Otherwise, check if the power is switched on, if the power box tripped the switch or blown a fuse, has your shower routine changed or increased (tank capacity and/or tariff rates will affect this). Remember in winter, efficiency of the tank is less than in summer and the water will cool quicker.
Note: Please follow the above procedure before requesting maintenance. If this does not rectify the problem please complete a repair advice form. Remember a leaking hot water tap will cause tap will cause poor supply of hot water and high electricity accounts.
What do I do if I have a leaking toilet?
Please report this by emailing our agency to arrange a tradesperson for repairs. Regular mopping and turning off the tap between uses is adequate until the tradesperson arrives.
My lights aren’t working
First, check if the bulb has blown. If not, check the power box to ensure the power is on and the switch has not tripped. If the lights still aren’t working, contact your property manager.
How to maintain my pool
- Water level is a priority and must be kept at a level to allow water to flow through the skimmer boxes at all times. Failure to do this could result in enormous expenditure to you.
- No metal objects are to be allowed in the pool as it could cause corrosion marks.
- No animals allowed in the pool as this creates a huge chemical imbalance
- Ensure regular water testing for correct PH level to prevent mould or fungus forming in the pool.
- Vacuum at least once a week to keep pool clear of debris
- Regular checks of the pump to ensure the motor is working correctly and efficiently (making funny noises could be a forerunner to a problem). Leaking or pooling water at the pump could mean a cracked casing and will need attention.
- Even if a pool is maintained for you, it is your responsibility to alert your Property Manager if there are any problems.
I don’t have power
If your neighbours have also lost power contact your Electricity Provider or Energex. Otherwise, check if your Safety Switch has tripped. If so, reset the switch. If it trips again, unplug all appliances from power points. Reset the Safety Switch and plug in appliances one at a time until the faulty appliance is located.
Note: If this does not rectify the problem please notify our agency. Tenants will be required to pay for callouts where a faulty appliance belonging to them has caused the problem.
Washing machine problems
Please check:
- The power is connected
- The water taps are turned on
- The load of clothes is not off balance or too high
- Lid is connecting with on/off switch when closing
- Hoses are securely attached
- If leaking, check hoses for spills
When all else fails, phone us during agency hours. If this occurs during the weekend or out of office hours and you’re out of clothes, locate the nearest Laundromat and phone the agency when we open again.
Water Eruption
Water dubbing out of the ground could be a serious problem and could lead to further complications. Phone our agency immediately as this is an ‘emergency’ matter.
Emergency maintenance
Emergency maintenance must be reported immediately. All emergencies must be phoned through to the agency as soon as possible and then formalised in writing. For emergencies during out of office hours refer to the below contact:
General Repairs
All general repair maintenance must be put in writing as per your tenant obligations, standard term 44(1) of the tenancy agreement.